Parameterizing reports

Jadey Ryan // June 21, 2024
Intermediate Quarto // Cascadia R Conf

Examples of parameterized reports

Another use case: different audiences, different reports

Show code for technical staff and hide code for everyone else (StackOverflow example).

Like a custom function

File with the word '.qmd' inside and the word 'Function' above.

An arrow points from 'Input' with 'params$year' to the previous image with 'Function' and '.qmd' file.

In addition to the previous two images, arrows point to five reports with years 2019 through 2023 on them in a flow chart.

What makes a report “parameterized”?

  • YAML header with params key-value pairs

  • Use these params to create different variations of a report from a single .qmd document.



  1. Write report template with default values hard-coded, and then render & review.

  2. Set default params key-value pairs in YAML.

  3. Replace hard-coded values with the params variables.

  4. Render the single report and review.

  5. Render extreme cases and review.

    • Parameter values with barely any data and with tons of data.
  6. Render all variations of the report at once.

💪🏼 Exercise

Explore a report without parameters and see where we could add them.

  1. Open 1-swiss-cats.qmd.

  2. Click the Quarto render button in RStudio Render button.

  3. Look at the source markdown & code and the rendered report.

  4. 💬 Chat: What variables could we set as parameters?

    💡 Hint: run the setup chunk and look at the pets dataframe to see what variables it has.


Set params in YAML header

title: "Swiss Cats"             # Metadata
format:                         # Set format types
    toc: true                   # Set additional options
  docx: default                           
params:                         # Set default parameter key-value pairs
  fave_breed: "Snowshoe"                                
Report content goes here.       # Write narrative and code


Your default params key-value pairs must be found in your dataset. Otherwise, code will error or output will be blank.

The variable name for params can be anything you choose. Often, it’s a column name in your dataset.

Access params

Run any line or chunk to add params to your environment.

params object is a list.

List of 1
 $ fave_breed: chr "Snowshoe"

Access with $ notation.

[1] "Snowshoe"

For inline code in YAML or report content, enclose the expression in `r `.

My favorite cat breed is the **`r params$fave_breed`**.

My favorite cat breed is the Snowshoe.

Replace hard-coded values with params

Cmd/Ctrl + F to find where to replace hard-coded values with params.

Find and replace toolbar with "pet_type in the Search field highlighted by a purple box and "params$pet_type in the Replace field highlighted by a blue box. The .qmd file shows a filter statement with the "pet_type highlighted by RStudio as a match for the Find tool. This filter statement is highlighted by a purple box with an arrow pointing to a blue box that has the filter statement with the hard-coded "cats string replaced with "params$pet_type.

Replace hard-coded values with params

Use $ list notation in code for plot/table titles and labels, filtering, etc.

paste() syntax:

# ggplot2 code +
    labs(title = paste(params$fave_breed, "population"))

glue::glue() syntax:

# ggplot2 code +
    labs(title = glue::glue("{params$fave_breed} population"))

Use inline R code for markdown.

## My favorite breed: **`r params$fave_breed`**.

💃🏻 Demo

Modify 1-swiss-cats-demo.qmd to add pet_type and fave_breed parameters.

This parameterized version of 1-swiss-cats.qmd is the starting point for the next section’s exercises (2-quarto-render.qmd).