Rendering reports

Jadey Ryan // June 21, 2024
Intermediate Quarto // Cascadia R Conf

Three ways to render

  1. RStudio/Quarto integration:

    Quarto render button in RStudio Render button in RStudio or Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + K keyboard shortcut

  2. โœจ Quarto R package โœจ

    Console or R script
      input = here::here("2-quarto-render.qmd"),   # Input Quarto file
      execute_params = list(                       # Named list of params
        pet_type = "cats",
        fave_breed = "Snowshoe"))
  3. Quarto CLI

    quarto render 2-quarto-render.qmd -P pet_type:'cats' -P fave_breed:'Snowshoe'

๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ Exercise

Change parameters in the YAML and render using Quarto render button in RStudio Render button.

  1. Look at the unique pet breeds and pick your favorite.

    # Run in the console
    pets <- readr::read_rds(here::here("data", "pets.RDS")) |> 
       dplyr::distinct(pet_type, breed) |> View()
  2. In 2-quarto-render.qmd, change the default parameters in the YAML to your favorite pet type and breed. Render using the Quarto render button in RStudio Render button.

      pet_type: "___"
      fave_breed: "___"
  3. ๐Ÿ’ฌ Chat: Which breed did you pick and why? What do you think will happen if you set the pet_type default parameter to โ€œcatsโ€ and the fave_breed parameter to โ€œAmerican Bulldogโ€?

    Try it out and discuss what happend!


๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ Exercise

Change parameters and render using quarto_render().

  1. Render with quarto::quarto_render().

    # Run in the console
       input = here::here("2-quarto-render.qmd"),
       execute_params = list(
         pet_type = "___",
         fave_breed = "___"))
  2. ๐Ÿ’ฌ Chat: What kinds of variables will you use as parameters for your reports?


Render all 538 reports

One HTML report for each cat breed and each dog breed.

pets <- readr::read_rds(here::here("data", "pets.RDS"))

pets |>
  dplyr::distinct(pet_type, breed) |>
  dplyr::count(pet_type) |>
pet_type n
cats 104
dogs 434
Total 538
  1. Change the default params in the YAML.

  2. Render button or Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + K keyboard shortcut.

  3. Rename the rendered report to include the parameter & prevent overwriting.

  4. Repeat 537 times.


  input = here::here("2-quarto-render.qmd"),
  output_file = "dogs-affenpinscher-report.html",
  execute_params = list(
    pet_type = "dogs",
    fave_breed = "Affenpinscher"))

  input = here::here("2-quarto-render.qmd"),
  output_file = "dogs-afghan-hound-report.html",
  execute_params = list(
    pet_type = "dogs",
    fave_breed = "Afghan Hound"))

  input = here::here("2-quarto-render.qmd"),
  output_file = "dogs-aidi-chien-de-montagne-de-l-atlas-report.html",
  execute_params = list(
    pet_type = "dogs",
    fave_breed = "Aidi Chien De Montagne De L Atlas"))

  input = here::here("2-quarto-render.qmd"),
  output_file = "dogs-akita-report.html",
  execute_params = list(
    pet_type = "dogs",
    fave_breed = "Akita"))

# + 534 more times... 
# ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Create a dataframe with three columns that match quarto_render() args:

  • output_format: file type (html, revealjs, pdf, docx, etc.)

  • output_file: file name with extension

  • execute_params: named list of parameters

Map over each row:

  • purrr::pwalk(dataframe, quarto_render, <arguments for quarto_render>) ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Primer on purrr functions for iteration

Map functions apply the same action/function to each element of an object.

  • Base R apply() functions are map functions.

  • purrr map functions have consistent syntax and the output data type is predictable.

for loops โ†’ lapply() โ†’ purrr::map()

purrr R package logo

Learn more:

Create dataframe to iterate over

pet_reports <- pets |>
  dplyr::distinct(pet_type, breed) |>   # Get distinct pet/breed combos
    output_format = "html",             # Make output_format column
    output_file = paste(                # Make output_file column:
      tolower(pet_type),                # cats-abyssiniane-report.html
      tolower(gsub(" ", "-", breed)),           
      sep = "-"
    execute_params = purrr::map2(       # Make execute_params column
      \(pet_type, breed) list(pet_type = pet_type, breed = breed)))

Subset to first 2 cat/dog breeds

pet_reports_subset <- pet_reports |>
  dplyr::slice_head(n = 2, by = pet_type) |>
  dplyr::select(output_file, execute_params)

output_file execute_params
cats-abyssiniane-report.html cats , Abyssiniane
cats-aegean-cat-report.html cats , Aegean Cat
dogs-affenpinscher-report.html dogs , Affenpinscher
dogs-afghan-hound-report.html dogs , Afghan Hound

Map over each row

  • purrr::pwalk() iterates over multiple arguments simultaneously.

  • First .l argument is a list of vectors.

    • Dataframe is a special case of .l that iterates over rows.
  .l = pet_reports_subset,                      # Dataframe to map over
  .f = quarto::quarto_render,                   # Function we are applying to each row
  input = here::here("2-quarto-render.qmd"),    # Named arguments of .f
  .progress = TRUE                              # Show a progress bar :)


input is the only named argument of quarto_render() included in pwalk().

output_format, output_file, and execute_params are already passed in through the dataframe.

Multiple formats

Render all reports to all formats

Add to the format: YAML option to render additional output formats from the same .qmd file.

    embed-resources: true   # Makes the report self-contained
  pdf: default              # If not using any additional format options,
  docx: default             # set value to `default`  

Note: the Render button now has a dropdown!

Screenshot of Quarto file with the Render dropdown showing options for HTML, PDF, and MS Word formats.

Quarto docs on multiple formats

๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป Demo

Programmatically render all reports in all formats in 3-purrr-render-demo.qmd and 3-purrr-render-demo.R.

๐Ÿ’ก Use these files as a template and modify them for your own projects!

Directory limitations

Canโ€™t render reports to another directory.

output-dir YAML option only works for Quarto projects that contain a _quarto.yml config file.

Workaround: use {fs} to move files after rendering.

See 3-purrr-render-demo.R for example.

More info: GitHub discussion and GitHub issue.

Canโ€™t embed resources for a Quarto document in a subfolder.

If using embed-resources: true YAML option, .qmd canโ€™t be in subfolder, otherwise:

[WARNING] Could not fetch resource โ€ฆ

More info: GitHub discussion and GitHub issue.

๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€ 30-min break ๐Ÿง˜๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ๏ธ
