Styling your reports

Jadey Ryan // June 21, 2024
Intermediate Quarto // Cascadia R Conf


Bootswatch themes

Choose from or customize one of 25 Bootswatch themes.

Set the theme in the YAML under the html key:

    theme: flatly

Customize a theme by including a custom .scss file under the theme key:

    theme: [flatly, theme.scss]

HTML theming Quarto docs

SCSS files

SCSS files have the following form:

/*-- scss:defaults --*/
$h2-font-size:          1.6rem !default;
$headings-font-weight:  500 !default;
$body-color:            $gray-700 !default;

/*-- scss:rules --*/
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
  text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);

Define SASS variables in the defaults section.

Declare CSS rules in the rules section.

Bootstrap docs

Default Bootstrap variables

Browser developer tools

Screenshot of browser developer tools inspecting the Quarto title meta heading of an HTML report.

Screenshot of browser developer tools with the CSS declaration modified to test style changes.

MS Word

Reference document

Create and modify a reference document, which is a special kind of template.

  1. Run the following in the Terminal to create the reference doc:
quarto pandoc -o word-template.docx --print-default-data-file reference.docx
  1. Open word-template.docx and modify the styles.
  1. Set this template in the YAML under the reference-doc: key:
    reference-doc: word-template.docx

Need your report as a PDF?

Format in MS Word and then convert .docx to .pdf with Adobe Acrobat.


  • Learn how to format PDFs in the Quarto docs: PDF basics & PDF options.

  • Try Typst, an open-source markup-based typesetting system, new in Quarto 1.4.

πŸ’ͺ🏼 Exercise

Play around with the HTML and MS Word styling of a report of your choosing.

  1. Open a new .qmd or choose one from a previous exercise.
  2. Add a Bootswatch theme to the YAML and re-render.
  3. Create a MS Word reference doc, modify a style, add it to the YAML, and re-render.
# Run in the Terminal

quarto pandoc -o word-template.docx --print-default-data-file reference.docx