Pre-workshop instructions

Prior to the workshop, please complete the following steps:

If you have trouble with these steps, or you’d prefer not to mess with your current set up, you can also work in Posit Cloud. See Backup option below.

1. Software

Download and install the latest versions of R, RStudio, and Quarto:

2. R Packages

Install the following packages by copying and pasting the following into the console in RStudio:

install.packages(c("dplyr", "fs", "ggplot2", "here", "janitor", "knitr", 
                    "lubridate", "plotly", "purrr", "quarto", "readr", 
                    "rmarkdown", "stringr", "tidyr"))

3. Exercises

Download and open the exercises for this workshop by copying and pasting the following into the console in RStudio:

This will download the RStudio project onto your Desktop. To choose a different destination, uncomment and use the destdir argument.

# install.packages("usethis")
# , destdir = "C:/Users/jryan/Documents/R/projects"

If use_course() didn’t work, manually download the zip file from GitHub:

Backup option: Posit Cloud

You can choose to use Posit Cloud instead which has the required tools already installed, along with a copy of the exercise files. Join the Posit Cloud Quarto Cascadia workspace and open the Intermediate Exercises project.


If you’re new to purrr, we recommend watching this R-Ladies Baltimore presentation Make your R Code purr with purrr and reviewing Jenny Bryan’s tutorial and workshop.